Wondering about franchise costs, the management, or the details of a specific franchising opportunity? Check out our FAQs section to get answers to your questions and gain valuable insight into becoming a successful franchisor.


Frequently Asked Question's


operational and agency

Your investment in developing a dependable and thriving franchise model will fall between $25,000 and $100,000, depending on your growth goals and how many franchises you want to open. Usually, if you’re aiming to open multiple franchises in a shorter time, more money is needed upfront to maintain that growth.

The franchise industry is so commonly used that any business could explore developing a franchise. For example, The Franchise Wave has assisted service companies, retailers, restaurants, sales organizations, tech firms, and healthcare businesses – to name a few. The good thing about the franchising route is that it’s flexible and can be applied to nearly any organization or field.

To learn more about whether franchising is right for your business, take our Franchise Feasibility Quiz.

There are all sorts of people who invest in franchises every day. The average franchise buyer likes a strong system, wants some assurance that the business will be successful, and often has yet to gain experience owning a business. What attracts them to franchising is the opportunity to have a coach and follow a proven business model, which gives them a head start in building their own business.

When you transition your business into a franchise, you will lean more towards becoming a coach or teacher rather than focusing on the operations side of the company. The point of franchising is to begin using what you know to benefit the business instead of working within it. In the future, your responsibilities will include helping franchisees improve their businesses through measures like axis growth and achieving key performance indicators that follow your franchise’s procedures.


Insurance and guarantee


Service and operating hours


Investment and Management

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